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All of the registered users can add an item for sale.

Add an Item for Sale- to add an item for sale with this site, just select the 'Add Sale' link in the left menu section. The following screen will provide the title, name, price, etc. You can add an item as featured by paying a nominal amount to the site itself. A featured item will show first in the sale listing with a different appearance. You have to pay a very negligible commission on the sale items based on the asking price. If the amount of the sale is less than a preset amount ($100), then no fees are charged. To know more about the sale process, just click here. 'How to Sell with this Site.'

Edit Sale Item- to view/edit select the 'My Booth' on the top menu. Select the 'More' icon under the latest sale addition section. The upcoming screen will display all of your sale additions. To edit a sale, select the title near the sale row. In the next screen, edit the sale details and select 'Update' to finalize it.

To delete a sale- select 'Delete'. As a word of caution, please make sure you are deleting the right item since this action is irreversible.