Welcome ToSoko Swap


The first member with this site adds an item of wish to the wish list , to swap with or purchase by providing the title, description, rate, photo if any .

The second member who wish to swap his item can click on the first members listing and make an offer by providing his item for swap and an amount that he wants.This will update a new entry in his my offers list.

The first member gets a new entry in his offers for me list. He can view the offer and accept it or reject. If the first member accept the offer he/she will have the option of paying directly to the seller or through this site with an escrow .If the buyer chooses escrow, buyer can pay using credit card, paypal or check/money order.

On receiving the amount in pending settlement section second member can ship his item to the first member .On getting confirmation from the first member about proper receipt of the shipped item, the admin clicks the settle account button to clear the pending settlement of second member .